So if you’re considering a trip to Poland, perhaps it’s a good idea to learn some of the basic (travel) words and phrases. Practice makes perfect and in no time, you’ll be a Polish expert!
Hello - Cześć (chech-sh-ch)
Good morning - Dzień dobry (jayn doh-brih)
Good evening - Dobry wieczór (doh-brih vieh-choor)
Please - Proszę (pro-shee)
Thank you - Dziękuję (jen-koo-yea)
Yes - Tak (tahk)
No - Nie (nye)
Do you speak English? - Mówisz po Angielsku? (moo-veesh poe ang-yell-skool?)
I don't understand - Nie rozumiem (nyea row-zoom-yem)
Excuse me - Przepraszam (pshe-pra-shaam)
Please write it down - Proszę to napisać (pro-sheh toh na-pee-sach)
How much does it cost? - Ile to kosztuje? (eel-e to k-osht-ooy-e)
Where is ...? - Gdzie jest...? (gj-e y-est)
Telephone - Telefon (tele-fon)
Where is the toliet? - Gdzie jest toaleta ? (gj-e y-est to-al-et-a)
I am allergic to ... - Jestem uczulony na … (yes-tem uch-a-low-ne na)
Does it include ... ? - Czy to obejmuje... (che to obey-mu-yeah)
I am ... - Jestem … (yes-tem)
If you're interested in discovering Poland, check out our tours here - Eastern Europe and Helsinki to Prague.